Minimumweight • World Boxing Organization
Active (since 1989)
Total champions
Total bouts
Most bouts
Ivan Calderon (13-1-0)
Current champion: Oscar Collazo (0 title defenses)
No scheduled WBO Minimumweight bout
Rafael Torres becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Rafael Torres's WBO Minimumweight world title reign ends
Paul Weir becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Paul Weir's WBO Minimumweight world title reign ends
Alex Sanchez becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Ricardo Lopez becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Eric Jamili becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Ricardo Lopez's WBO Minimumweight world title reign ends
Kermin Guardia becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Kermin Guardia's WBO Minimumweight world title reign ends
Jorge Mata becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Eduardo Ray Marquez becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Ivan Calderon becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Ivan Calderon's WBO Minimumweight world title reign ends
Donnie Nietes becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Raul Garcia becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Moises Fuentes becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Merlito Sabillo becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Francisco Rodriguez Jr becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Francisco Rodriguez Jr beats Katsunari Takayama via unanimous decision 12/12
Francisco Rodriguez Jr's WBO Minimumweight world title reign ends
Katsunari Takayama becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Katsunari Takayama's WBO Minimumweight world title reign ends
Kosei Tanaka becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Kosei Tanaka's WBO Minimumweight world title reign ends
Katsunari Takayama becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Tatsuya Fukuhara becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Ryuya Yamanaka becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Victorio Saludar becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Wilfredo Mendez becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Masataka Taniguchi becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Melvin Jerusalem becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion
Oscar Collazo becomes the WBO Minimumweight world champion