Cruiserweight • World Boxing Association Regular
Active (since 2006)
Total champions
Total bouts
Most bouts
Denis Lebedev (4-0-0) 1 NC
Current champion: Vacant (since 12 August 2022)
No scheduled WBA Regular Cruiserweight bout
Virgil Hill becomes the WBAR Cruiserweight world champion
Firat Arslan becomes the WBAR Cruiserweight world champion
Guillermo Jones becomes the WBAR Cruiserweight world champion
Denis Lebedev becomes the WBAR Cruiserweight world champion
Beibut Shumenov becomes the WBAR Cruiserweight world champion
Yuniel Dorticos becomes the WBAR Cruiserweight world champion
Yuniel Dorticos's WBAR Cruiserweight world title reign ends
Beibut Shumenov becomes the WBAR Cruiserweight world champion
Beibut Shumenov's WBAR Cruiserweight world title reign ends
Beibut Shumenov becomes the WBAR Cruiserweight world champion
Ryad Merhy becomes the WBAR Cruiserweight world champion
Ryad Merhy's WBAR Cruiserweight world title reign ends